Thursday, April 5, 2012

Door to Door - 113-117 W Chicago

Cannella School of Hair Design, 113-117 West Chicago Street

This beauty school has been here for a long time. It has an excellent reputation and a thorough curriculum, and is accredited. They teach more than hair - nearly all aspects of cosmetology.  It doesn't look like much from the outside, but it is part of a chain of schools, and many people working here in town have graduated from here.

This building also straddles the railroad tracks, right next to the station.  I can't imagine the noise the people in the apartments above out up with.  I can't readily locate any history of the two buildings, but they've been connected inside.


  1. I do know that a family named Cannella owns that chain.

  2. Well, obviously from the name, but I know someone connected to it.
